Monday, May 4, 2009

Mother's Day Giveaway

All you have to do is leave me a comment about what it means to you to be a mom or what your mother means to you. What your winning may you ask a free session with me!!! This can be with you and your mother or if your a mom you and your children. All the dads out there this could be a great mother's day suprise from the kids if your the winner.

I will draw a WINNER on the day before Mother's day and then will post the winner by midnight saturday night.


Rebecca Schneider said...

To me, being a mom means, being a teacher, a support network, a friend, and most importantly the one person you can count on no matter what.

Happy early Mother's Day everyone!

Mysti Nundahl said...

For me being a first time mom it's the best job in the world with the least amount of pay. I am everything to her and seeing her face light up when I enter the room is enough pay in itself! I hate watching her grow like a weed but knowing that she'll grow up to be a wonderful woman and that I brought her into this world I can't wait for those days to come in the future!
I hope every mother out there had a fantastic mother's day because it's a whole day dedicated for everything you do each and ever day : )

Anonymous said...

For me, being a mom means just having the most love for your kids you never even thought you could have!!!! Watching everything they do as they grow up is the best in the whole wide world!!! From watching that first smile when you first have them to, for me watching Konner ride his bike without training wheels!!! It's just the awesomest feeling in the world to be a mom!! It's like being on the best roller coaster ever and you don't ever want to get off!!!! I LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

Being a mom to me is simply unconditional love. It is my proudest accomplishment and the core of who I have become.
Every moment is an opportunity for me to make a memory.
Being a mom is having the courage hold on tightly and then learn to let go gracefully.
It is going from "Mommy" to "momma", to "ma" (and appreciate each stage :)